
Everyday school uniform consists of:
Light blue polo shirt
School sweatshirt
Grey school skirt, trousers or shorts
Grey socks for boys
Grey or white knee socks or grey tights for girls
Black school shoes.
In summer term, girls can wear a blue gingham summer dress and white ankle socks if preferred.
When performing at events and representing school on away visits, full school uniform should be worn. This consists of:
White school shirt
Burgundy and blue striped tie
Grey school skirt, trousers or shorts
Grey socks for boys
Grey or white knee socks or grey tights for girls
Each Wednesday is Wellness Wednesday in school.
All pupils have PE lesson on this day and we complete other active and outdoor lessons.
Wednesday PE uniform for the whole school consists of:
Light blue polo shirt
School sweatshirt
Plain navy shorts or jogging bottoms
Black or dark coloured trainers