Access Keys:

Carrowreagh Primary School, Ballymoney

Wraparound Care

We offer:

Bright Reaghs Breakfast club from 8.00am each morning

Pupils can join us in the Breakfast Club room and enjoy fruit juice, cereal and toast together before school begins.

Breakfast club is available to all pupils - PLEASE NOTE all Foundation Stage pupils (Reception-Year 2) must be brought into the Breakfast Club room each morning they attend.

Breakfast club is charged at £1 per pupil per day. 

Please book and pay on School Gateway App.  Bookings can be added/cancelled/ammended up until 8am on the morning.


Little Reaghs After School Care

All pupils in year 1 and year 2 (including year 3 on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) can attend Little Reaghs after school care to stay and enjoy some extra playtime with friends.

Little Reaghs runs from 2.00pm until 2.45pm each day Mon - Fri and is charged at £2.50 per pupil, per session.

Sunny Reaghs After School Care

Sunny Reaghs after school care for pupils in year 1-7 runs on Mon - Thurs. afternoons from 2.45pm to 4pm and is charged at £4 per session.  Children staying for both Little & Sunny Reaghs have a discounted rate of £6.

Please book and pay for Little/Sunny on School Gateway App.  Bookings can be added/cancelled/ammended up until 8am on the morning.

Late Reaghs

We are currently trialing wrap around care until 4.50pm at a cost of £4 (per session from 4pm - 4.50pm) for the whole school Year 1 - 7.  During the trial period this will run on Mon - Thurs and can be booked via the School Gateway App.


We would remind parents that you need to both book and make payment to secure the session at afterschools.